Alabama 811 Web Portal Help

  • General Ticket Entry

  • How do I access my locate request tickets on the WebPortal?

    To enter new tickets, or view your existing requests online please visit the Alabama 811 Web Portal and register for access if you do not have an account already.  Once you have confirmed your account, you can log in to access the enter ticket and find ticket options.

  • How can I copy an existing ticket into my company’s name?

    To copy an existing locate request ticket online, you will need to select the ‘copy’ feature instead of update.  The ticket will open into a new window where you will then need to verify that all of the corresponding worksite and locate information are correct. Next, click the submit button.  The ticket will then be sent to the processing queue at Alabama 811 so that we can check to make sure the ticket was copied correctly.  We have a four-person team dedicated to intercepting these tickets so the new number will be emailed to you quickly.

  • I need to print a copy of that request but cannot find our existing locate request ticket number.

    You can do a free search for the missing requests via our online ticket entry portal. Once logged into the WebPortal, select the Find Tickets feature.  In the Advanced Options, enter your phone number (with no spaces or dashes, Ex.123456789), then choose the dates you wish for the program to search for your tickets.  Once you have made those selections, click the search button.  A listing of all the found tickets will be shown on the right.  Tickets are shown in increments of 25, so you may need to click the forward arrow to view more.
