- Registration
- System Errors
- User Info
- Positive Response
- General Ticket Entry
- Mapping
- Law
- GeoRemote / Tier 3
- Modifying a Request
- Other Resources
I have not received the confirmation email that will allow me to activate my account. Is there any way this email can be resent?
Yes! Please contact us at remoteapps@al811.com so that we can verify the email address for your account.
I have tried multiple times to log in, but I keep getting a login failed message.
Your user name is your full email address and your password is case sensitive and should be typed exactly as submitted on your registration form. Please contact us at remoteapps@al811.com if you need additional assistance.
I signed up on the mobile app, but when I try to log in it says the user ID is wrong?
Your user name is your full email address and your password is case sensitive and should be typed exactly as submitted on your registration form. Please contact us at remoteapps@al811.comif you need additional assistance.
How do I access the Alabama 811 app?
The Alabama 811 app is free to download via Google Play or the Apple App Store.
System Errors
I was trying to enter a locate and got a pop-up message that stated I did not have access and that I needed to contact 811 for more info?
The internet browser may not have closed correctly when you exited the program. You will need to log out of the WebPortal, then press the CTRL and f5 button at the same time. This will refresh your session and you should be able to log in as normal.
I have not received a confirmation that my ticket was processed, how do I confirm it was received?
After you submitted the request, you should have seen a pop-up box letting you know your ticket was sent to the Alabama 811 processing queue. If you did not see this box, then the ticket was not sent. You are welcome to call the center directly and ask the customer service agents to search for the worksite address in the processed ticket queue, or you can resubmit the request. Please contact us at remoteapps@al811.com if you need additional assistance.
When I click on “Enter Ticket” only the header is visible, the rest of the screen is blank.
We have noticed that users who are using older versions of Internet Explorer receive blank white screens when logging in. Google Chrome seems to best support our online program.
I am getting an error that says 'the string or binary data would be truncated'.
We have noticed that users receive this error when they have typed too many characters into one of the fields on the ticket entry form. This most commonly occurs when the address has not been broken down correctly.
User Information
What is my user name?
Your user name is your full email address.
How do I change the phone number listed on my user info?
User information can be edited on the excavator tab that is found on the left-hand side of the ticket entry screen.
How do I change the email address listed on my account?
WebPortal accounts are created by email address. You will need will need to click the sign-up link to register to use a different email.
How do I change the company address listed on my account?
User information can be edited on the excavator tab that is found on the left-hand side of the ticket entry screen.
Positive Response
The positive response results on my ticket appears to have been “automatically closed” by the members listed. Does this mean it is now safe to dig or do we have to contact them individually?
Seeing the ‘auto close’ feature means that the member in question has not submitted a response for their facility by the proposed excavation date. You will still need to follow good excavation practices and visit the worksite to check for visible markings or evidence of u/g utilities that may not have been marked within two full working days allowed by the Alabama State law, as well as looking for facilities that may belong to utility companies that are not yet participating members of Alabama 811.
I received an email from various utility companies saying that all is clear, but no one actually came out and marked my lines. Is this normal or should I also be expecting them to physically mark the ground as well like I was expecting?
If the area is ‘clear’ there are no lines for them to mark at the worksite. In some instances, the locators may still make a courtesy trip to the worksite and paint the word ‘ok’ or ‘clear’ in their corresponding color paint, but this is not required.
General Ticket Entry
How do I access my locate request tickets on the WebPortal?
To enter new tickets, or view your existing requests online please visit the Alabama 811 Web Portal and register for access if you do not have an account already. Once you have confirmed your account, you can log in to access the enter ticket and find ticket options.
How can I copy an existing ticket into my company’s name?
To copy an existing locate request ticket online, you will need to select the ‘copy’ feature instead of update. The ticket will open into a new window where you will then need to verify that all of the corresponding worksite and locate information are correct. Next, click the submit button. The ticket will then be sent to the processing queue at Alabama 811 so that we can check to make sure the ticket was copied correctly. We have a four-person team dedicated to intercepting these tickets so the new number will be emailed to you quickly.
I need to print a copy of that request but cannot find our existing locate request ticket number.
You can do a free search for the missing requests via our online ticket entry portal. Once logged into the WebPortal, select the Find Tickets feature. In the Advanced Options, enter your phone number (with no spaces or dashes, Ex.123456789), then choose the dates you wish for the program to search for your tickets. Once you have made those selections, click the search button. A listing of all the found tickets will be shown on the right. Tickets are shown in increments of 25, so you may need to click the forward arrow to view more.
How can I see a more detailed map?
There is an aerial photography option found in the layers features that are located at the bottom left corner of the map screen.
My worksite does not have a 911 address, can I submit a ticket using only latitude and longitude coordinates?
We cannot accept GPS as the sole property identification of your worksite. If there is not a 911 address available, you will need to give distance and direction to the worksite from the nearest named intersection. You are welcome to note your GPS in the remarks box so for any of our members who have the equipment available to use them.
How do I end the drawing after I have drawn my last line to complete my box on the map?
The GeoCall marking tools require one click to initiate the start of drawing and a double click to deactivate the tool.
I input my latitude and longitude, the system showed an ‘X” and I marked the area and hit submit. I received an error saying the geometry drawn is not within the selected county. Can I submit with just the X being there?
GeoCall will not allow a ticket to be saved if the marking is in a county other than the one listed in the county field in the worksite section of the locate request. You will need to change the county, then re-enter the GPS. Once you see the green X, convert it to red by selecting the mark from search results button.
Where can I find information about Alabama state law regarding excavation and notification?
There is a dedicated section of our website with detailed information along with a download link: Law
I just completed a locate request ticket to have my utilities marked, but I am not sure if I needed to just yet. Should I go ahead and get them marked now, or wait until I am sure of the start date of my project?
The Alabama excavation law requires that notification of your intent to excavate be given at least two but no more than 10 working days prior to the start of the proposed excavation not including the day of notification. If you do not think your work will begin within that time frame, then it may be best to wait and submit the request at a time closer to the start date.
Do I need to cancel my ticket once my work has been completed?
Locate request tickets are good for 20 working days, there is no need to cancel your request if the excavation is completed within that time frame.
The water lines have not been marked at my worksite, but my water company is not shown in the list of members notified?
Alabama 811 will only notify utility companies that are members of our service. The excavator is responsible for contacting all non-member companies directly.
Can I remove the flags removed from my yard if they have been there for over 2 weeks?
We do not recommend removing the flags if there is pending excavation in your area. Please call the Alabama 811 center directly to have one our customer service agents look up your address to see what activity is taking place in your area.
GeoRemote / Tier 3
I am a new WebPortal user, do I need to take the class to be a Tier 2 user?
Anyone can log on and submit tickets as a Tier 2 user. Training is only required for those users that would like to be Tier 3.
How do I register to take a class to become a Tier 3 WebPortal user?
Click Here for a class sign up list that contains the available class dates and times.
Is there a way I can receive my ticket number as soon as I submit my request instead of having to wait on it to be processed by a customer service agent?
You can register for the self-paced training series or request to attend a GeoRemote training webinar. On the WebPortal homepage, there is link to the available training options.
Modifying Existing Requests
How do I cancel a duplicate ticket?
You will need to call the Alabama 811 customer service line to cancel a locate request. Alabama 811 can be reached toll free by dialing 1.800.292.8525, or by simply dialing 811.
I entered the incorrect distance on a ticket, is there a way I can update the ticket with the correct information?
Modifications to existing requests must be processed by phone. You can reach the Alabama 811 customer service line by dialing 1.800.292.8525.
I have existing tickets that we are going to work on tomorrow but not all of the lines have been marked?
If there are signs of buried facilities that have not been located, we suggest you initiate a second call back to Alabama 811 to allow for the request to be resent to the member facility owners letting them know that all lines have not been marked. As part of this second notice to the utilities, they should respond and have the site located as soon as possible. This is for your own safety as well as the protection of the buried facility. Alabama 811 can be reached by dialing 1.800.292.8525.
How do I renew my ticket?
Registered users can renew existing requests through the Find Ticket option on our Web Portal. The new work date, as well as the new expiration and renewal (good through and update) dates, will be listed on the new ticket.
I tried to renew my ticket, but I received a pop-up that says there is a newer version of my locate request ticket. When I clicked ok to go to the newest version, the update button was ‘greyed’ and would not let me renew the request.
You will need to select the ‘copy’ feature instead of update. The ticket will open into a new window where you will then need to remove any notes that were left about the ticket being re-sent or modified. Once the note is removed and the ticket is back to its original state, you can click the submit button. The ticket will then be sent to the processing queue at Alabama 811 so that we can check to make sure the note was removed correctly. We have a team dedicated to intercepting these tickets so the new number will be emailed to you quickly.
How do I extend the life of a ticket that was previously sent to refresh the markings?
To renew a 2nd notice or refresh marks ticket online, you will need to select the ‘copy’ feature instead of update. The ticket will open into a new window where you will then need to remove any notes that were left about the ticket being re-sent or modified. Once the note is removed and the ticket is back to its original state, you can click the submit button. The ticket will then be sent to the processing queue at Alabama 811 so that we can check to make sure the note was removed correctly. We have a four-person team dedicated to intercepting these tickets so the new number will be emailed to you quickly.
Other Helpful Resources
Where can I find a full user manual for the web portal?
Downloadable user manual in pdf format: Download PDF
Where can I find information about Alabama state law regarding excavation and notification?
There is a dedicated section of our website with detailed information along with a download link: Law
As a member company, how can I find how many tickets or transmissions we received last year?
There is a dedicated section of our website for operations reports: Operations Reports. YTD Transmissions will show the number of transmissions delivered to each member code while Monthly reports will show the number of tickets for which that code was notified.
I am an underground facility owner and would like to join Alabama 811. What do I need to do?
Please visit our website for more information about the membership process here, or you can email Emily Roberts at eroberts@al811.com.